WHO: Down The Field was setup in 2008 by Matthew Jackson-Smith after spending 15 years in senior positions in retail, eCommerce & manufacturing industries. With an extensive background in IT services & project management Matthew has been responsible for successful expansion, modernisation and IT integration projects at a Financial Times Top 10 FastTrack organisation and was involved in a number of large national and international interactive self-service touch screen kiosk deployments.

WHY: The name Down The Field? That's simple, our first office was in the Somerset countryside...in a field!

WHAT: Whatever the size of your organisation or even if you don't have one we have the technical knowledge to meet your requirements, areas we provide solutions include: ​ Hardware and Software Solutions, Service and Support. Local Support, Remote Support and Telephone Support. Network Installations (LAN, WAN, Wireless & Broadband). Data Management, Migration and Security. Domain Registration, Email Setup, Hosting, Management and Support. Website Design, Hosting, Search Engine Optimisation and Management. Threat and Malware Protection (Anti-Virus, Anti-Spam, Anti-Spyware, Anti-Adware). Backup and Disaster Recovery Solutions. Bespoke Systems and Consultancy.

WHERE: We're based in the Midlands of the United Kingdom, so ideally situated to provide service through out the UK and have customers in London, Birmingham, Manchester and the West Country. However if you're not in UK don't be put off, we also have clients in the USA.

WHEN: Whenever you need it! Utilising remote access technology we pride ourselves on providing our customers the support they need when they need it.

About: Who, Why, What, Where, When